How Being Broke Can Help You Succeed

A friend recently told me that he’s the brokest he’s ever been in his life. My response? “Congratulations!” Every time I congratulate someone on being broke, that look at me like I have two heads. In their mind, it’s terrible. But to me, it’s exciting. It’s exciting...

How to Stop Being Successfully Poor

Feel like you’re becoming a little too comfortable being poor? Tired of being successful at being poor rather than being straight up successful? I know, that doesn’t make much sense does it? But guess what – it’s a symptom of Money Anxiety and people do it all...

How to Make More Money in 2017

Today, I’d like to share an important strategy for making more money. And it’s just about as simple as it gets: Stop doing so much! Do you often find yourself getting caught up in side-projects? Do you have an incurable case of shiny object syndrome? This is going to...

How To Get Your Goals Better And Faster

Happy new year! With every new year, one of the very first task that you should do as an entrepreneur is to set goals What I’m going to talk about today is one of the most efficient and best ways to set goals. You can even say this will actually increase the...