
Do you play Pokemon Go or know someone who does?
You probably answered “Yes” to the question above, or even if none of friends on facebook are posting Pokemon Go related posts, you’ve at least heard about it in the news.

Some of you may be totally for it while some of you may be against it.
I’m not here to advocate for the pros and cons of playing the game.

What I want to talk to you about is this:
As an entrepreneur what you should be paying attention to is what Nintendo, Google and Niantic had come together and do to create one of the most extensive product launches in a very very long time.

In case you don’t know here are some of the statistics:

  • In the first five days since its launch nintendo stocks rose 35 percent
  • That translates to about about 4 billion dollars an increase in a the company valuation
  • Just after 2 days of release, more android users had Pokemon Go on their app than Tinder
  • According to some vendors, it’s said the game brings in 2 million dollars a day for revenue

And all these numbers are amazing, but here’s the important thing I want you to pay attention to:
Over the past few weeks, how many of you have not had one day go by where the mention of Pokemon has come up?
I have talked to friends from all different generations, either posting on facebook their latest “catch” or asking “what is this whole pokemon thing?” to parents who are saying “I thought this pokemon thing was dead now it’s back, oh my god do I have to spend more money!”

So what I want you to do is put on your entrepreneur hat for a moment .
In this video I’m going to talk to you about what you need to do to start leveraging the success stories of these amazing companies, I don’t care how big or small your business is, so that you can incorporate that cool teachings that we can gain from this type of success.

First let’s take a look at the model.
Let’s go back and time actually and take a look at what Nintendo, Google and Niantic did in the days, weeks, and months prior to the actual launch.

See the the cool thing about this particular Pokemon Go phenomenon was that there was not a lot of money put into like your traditional marketing streets such as TV, publications, signage, etc. The majority of how this this whole launch was built was off the word of mouth model!

So i challenge you to go out there and actually do a little bit of case study to figure out what it is that they did that you can extract and model in your business.

How would you like to be able to launch a new program a new service or new product in your business and have immediately become so extensive that it crosses multiple generations and multiple industries in terms of awareness?

That is the power of word of mouth. That is the power of social media has a in the world we live in today
if you leverage technology.

Also i want you to take a look at the model of the product product itself: the Pokemon Go app.
As an entrepreneur you owe it to yourself and your business to at least play the game once to understand the nuances and the structure of how Nintendo, Google and Niantic are actually making money off the game.

See this is about Pokemon Go, and it’s also bigger.
Today, I challenge you to take a look at what’s out there that’s successful.
Take the time to learn from it, even if it may not appeal to you at first.
“Play” entrepreneur and have a look at the situation.
Ask yourself, “How can I model my business after this?”
“How can I model my programs and services to capitalize and learn off these giants?”

See, these type of companies that grow exponentially have already paved the path on what works in the world today and that’s what we really need to pay attention to.

Too many of us are working on models that worked from the decades ago and they said assume that they will work today. What Pokemon Go has given us an opportunity to see and do is to see what is working today with the technology today to really take your business to the next level.

So what are you waiting for?
Go download Pokemon Go and start playing the game, not so much to play the game for itself but to understand how they work and also take a look at all the days weeks and months before the launch of it and model the marketing process.