
“Is there one thing that you need to get ridiculously good at for your business to thrive, survive and grow in an evergreen, long-term, sustainable manner?”

This is a question that I get all the time from entrepreneurs who are just starting out and just looking for that one piece of advice that they can focus on to get the business rolling.

So what is the number one thing if you were to choose one thing to focus on day in and day out to master? It’s lead generation, notice I did not say getting better at sales, it’s lead generation.

Some of you may say “Well,what if I don’t close very well?”
No problem! Get a lot of leads so you can practice closing better.

“Wait, what if I run out of leads?”
See, this is the reason why you ought to focus on mastering leads, so that you can consistently and continuously find sources to get leads forever.

This way your business will never stop growing and will always had the ability to survive anything that happens to it would be internally or externally, so take that into account.

Your task for this video is to think about the lead resource that you have yet to master and one activity to do every single day continuously for the next two to three months to master lead generation to create a consistent reliable source of lead. So what are you waiting for?