coach, make money, money anxiety

Today we’re discussing how you (and even ME way back when) tend to underutilize our coaches. Now this could be a coach, a mentor, someone that you bounce ideas off to, or someone that you seek advice from.

I love having coaches in my life. In fact, I tell people all the time that I don’t think I’ll ever be without a coach again. Why is that? Because when I look to the past, there was a huge difference in my business success when I was working with a coach versus when I wasn’t working with a coach. When I wasn’t working with a coach, I got results that were slower and fewer and far between. During periods when I worked with a coach on my business and on my life, things were much more productive. I’m not saying you must have a coach to be successful. But if you’re anything like me, you crave better, faster results. And helping you achieve these kinds of goals is really the job of a good coach.

The problem is, and this is something that I went through myself, most of us who have coaches end up underutilizing them. We can do that in multiple ways:

Not fully showing up in sessions with your coach

Not showing up is not doing your homework, not doing the task that you agree to do with your coach, not showing up for the sessions at all, rescheduling, or just basically being a flake.

You hired this coach for a reason. You’re working with this mentor for a reason. Why don’t you honor that agreement and get the most out of that relationship?

Not using the support channels that they offer

Many coaches offer support outside of your normal scheduled sessions. If you come across a problem, do you try to figure things out by yourself or do you reach out to your coach to ask a question?

I’ve been guilty of this habit numerous times. And I’ve been reminded over and over again that when I do utilize my coach to the maximum capacity, I get better results.

Giving your coach only half the information

Imagine trying to bake a cake with only half the ingredients.

Your coach is helping you take the raw ingredients and the components of who you are to help you create the ultimate recipe for your success. If you’re only giving your coach half the information, then your coach isn’t really working with a full deck. It will be harder for them to help you get results and it won’t be their fault at all!


This one is for those of you who are coaches. You believe in the coaching system yet you show up at your own coaching sessions trying to coach yourself.

This is akin to a doctor trying to self medicate to achieve results. You’re going to be biased. You may self-coach yourself to the point of recreating the challenges you’re trying to deal with. So stop! Start showing up as fully as possible, just as you would like your own client to show up in front of your expertise.

Now the reason why I’m telling all this is because, whether it’s my coaching programs or any other coaching program, if you are going to be using a coach and investing time, energy, and money into it, why not get the most you can and get the best results? Utilizing a coach to the fullest capacity will get you better AND faster results. In other words, you will make more money so that you can help your business grow.

As an entrepreneur, money is a great metric, and not because it’s all about money. But money is a great ally, facilitator, and supporter of what you ultimately want to do.

Now I know you probably know somebody who has a coach or is working with a mentor. And maybe they’re saying that they’re not getting as much as they could out of it. If that’s the case, I encourage you to share this blog because it could shift their perspective. It can help them take advantage of what their coach has to offer.

Let me remind you that in just a few weeks, we’re going to be launching the live podcast radio show called Stop Money Anxiety Now. The Show will be full of interviews, discussions, and topics about money mindset, opening up for prosperity channels, and all things that have to do with money, for you, the entrepreneurs. So make sure you tune into that at