Think about this:

When you face a challenge in your life or in your business, why don’t you solve it by just making more money?

Now stop.

What thoughts just came into your mind?

Did any of these pop up?

  • “Yeah, but…”
  • “I can’t…”
  • “I shouldn’t…”

If the answer is yes, then you’ve just revealed another symptom of your money anxiety.

Or maybe you automatically thought to yourself: “Money doesn’t solve everything.”

This is a fair point. But if you’re being brutally honest with yourself, you know that money can help you solve problems in your business MUCH faster. Think about it. What problem have you ever encountered in your business that $1 million dollars couldn’t help you solve? That money allows you a sense of flexibility that you can’t achieve without it. You can implement a new technology or hire the right person to help you grow without biting your nails about your bottom line.

So, ENOUGH with the excuses.

All these thoughts are just the money anxiety talking.

As you know, having money anxiety in your life holds you back from success and prosperity. The more money symptoms you are able to unveil, the more you can deal with and overcome your anxiety.

Often, I challenge my students and clients with this way of thinking when they seem to hit a wall. I tell them: “Just go make more money.”

And I know that sounds too easy. But understand, one of the best ways to solve problems in our life is to simply make more money.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. When you encounter a problem or challenge in your business, tell yourself: Just go make more money.
  2. Pay attention to the thoughts that pop into your head.
  3. Make a list of the excuses that you often tell yourself about why you can’t just make more money.
  4. Start incorporating this practice as part of your self-talk challenge on a DAILY BASIS

Until you realize that those excuses are part of money anxiety and you commit to resolving them, you’re going to keep encountering this same problem over and over again.

In my experience, people don’t tell themselves, “Just go make more money” because they honestly think they can’t. If that’s you or someone that you know, don’t hesitate to pass this blog along!

Sharing is caring. Help the people you love overcome their money anxiety too.