Welcome to another Happy Snack at Noon, the 6 Figure Academy’s weekly live “snacks” where we talk about money flow, mindset optimization, or more importantly, life mastery around happiness.

Learn more about money and happiness here: https://go.the6figureacademy.com

The topic this week is about the fastest way to a million dollars. I know I’ve said in past Happy Snacks at Noon that it’s not about the money, so why am I going to tell you the fastest way to a million dollars? Because we get this question a lot from our clients and students. We’re called The Six Figure Academy so of course people want to know how to get from zero to six figures. So today we’ll look at how to get to a million dollars with ease and grace. It’s actually really simple.

While it’s important to have a structure or system in place for your business when it hits a million dollars (otherwise it’ll be overwhelmed with the money flow energy), this isn’t the priority. You actually need a strategy that’s sustainable and will be easy to maintain in the long run. So what’s the answer?

We need to give our money a purpose. Once you determine a purpose that’s clear and authentic, then you’ll reach a million dollars much quicker.

For example, some people might say, “Oh I want a million dollars to pay off my bills and not have to struggle anymore.” This is NOT a purpose; it’s a lifestyle change. Our clients that make it to the million dollar mark were able to sit down and find a clear and true purpose for where their money is going. After that, getting to a million dollars becomes an easy endeavor because you know exactly where it’s going towards. The last thing you want to do is to have that money come in and sit there with no purpose.

An important note: this can be applied to any amount of money. Whether you really want a million dollars or half a million, it doesn’t matter because the solution is still the same. You need to give whatever amount of money you’re aiming for a reason and a purpose. You can even create a very detailed directory that basically lays out where the money is arriving from, where it’s going, how long it’ll take to get there, etc. And that’s it! You don’t need fancy technology, or an app, or even a marketing plan. It’s simply getting clear on what that money is actually for. Your money flow will naturally autocorrect to meet your need and necessity. It won’t give you more but rather it will give you exactly what you need.

Watch the full video below:

This was a really interesting conversation, right? If this inspired you or you enjoyed it, please give this blog post a thumbs up. We love to get feedback from our followers! Until next week’s Happy Snacks at Noon, have a great week!