This episode of The Money Lab features, Nicole Jansen, Founder & CEO of Discover The Edge!

Over the past 30 years, Nicole Jansen has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into a highly profitable and rewarding business. One that is fueled by their God-given strengths and passion, aligns with their values, and allows them to make a lasting impact in their community.

Her clients span 5 continents and range from start-up entrepreneurs to industry leaders looking to expand and take their business to the next level and beyond.

She is a Business Breakthrough Coach, Human Behavior Specialist and Host of the Leaders Of Transformation podcast.

Nicole Jansen’s Money Story:

“In my early-mid 20’s I thought I had it all figured out. We had built a very successful business and our financial security appeared to be in place. However, that business fell apart and everything else went with it. Money, health, relationships, and confidence. I went on to build a new business, and then invested in a franchise system that fell apart. I began to not trust my decisions and feared that I didn’t have what it took to build lasting wealth for myself. It was only after examining the belief systems I had about money, and turning my failures into learning experiences that I regained my confidence and was willing to rebuild my business.

We can also talk about the idea that purpose and profit can (and should) go together. One of the things I’m passionate about is building sustainable success – doing what you love, what you’re great at, and what you can make money at. This is what I call the “”Edge”” or the sweet spot to fulfillment, fun and fruitfulness. Of course, mindset plays a key role in this. Our mindset impacts our behaviors/actions, and ultimately determine the results we create. ”

Enjoy this podcast below:

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