Today’s guest is Laurie Chin Sayers. Her lifelong goal has been to activate empathy with the use of visual images. Over the last 20+ years, she has done this as a filmmaker, a college professor, a media literacy education consultant. She’s now returned to her filmmaking roots.

Laurie Chin Sayer’s Money Story

I am currently knee deep in unearthing my money story. Ha! If I could pick one word to define it so far it would be avoidance. I avoided looking at the numbers, assessing my situation, looking to the future. Now, looking back it is clear that I was avoiding, but even though it is obvious now, I didn’t realize I was avoiding. It is clear to me that I have let fear lead to paralysis at many junctions in my life and I’m working to unpack all of that now. At the root of this, I was always looking over my shoulder for approval and now I’m learning to trust myself.

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