
Have you ever engaged in a “service-for-service” bartering relationship?
Well, why do we barter to begin with? We barter because at the time we probably don’t have the cash flow to get the services that we truly want in a person or a business that we have a relationship with, and vice versa.

So, the perfect solution will be what? Okay, provide services for me and I’ll provide service for you and, great, even exchange. But is it really even? I don’t know about you, but I have yet to meet or have a barter relationship where in the long run doesn’t become uneven at some point.

So, what do we do? Well, the easy solution is stop bartering. Bartering does not work. As long as money exists in the world and the energy and money as a universal method of exchange is in this world, bartering no longer works.

If you must barter and you have to barter, and you feel that the only way for you to move forward and grow your business (especially when you’re first starting out) is to barter, then let me propose a type of bartering methodology that does not get in the way of your flow of prosperity. It’s called prosperity bartering.

Prosperity bartering, I’ve guinea pigged myself with it and my clients and I found it is the best way to barter and still maintain your level of prosperity flow into your business so it doesn’t choke out the money. How that works is basically this: If you’re going to create a barter exchange, you have an agreement and you basically propose the price of the service that you’re going to provide, and vice versa. They’re going to give you your price. You both invoice each other and you both pay each other, regardless if it’s a wash or not.

What that does is it allows you to barter and also be able to continue to maintain the flow of money in and out, which energetically keeps your business moving upward from a prosperity standpoint. If we disregard the energy and the flow of money in exchange for the services you provide, not only it is a service for you and your business, it is also the service to the person that you’re exchanging with.

I challenge you that if you’re bartering to immediately either end the barter relationship and start re-negotiating a normal client and provide a relationship, or evolve the barter and upgrade it to a prosperity barter model. By doing that, it will immediately shift the flow of money back into your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop bartering yourself into bankruptcy and start doing prosperity bartering or eliminate bartering altogether.