Motivational Quotes Don’t Work!!

Yes, you read that right. Motivational quotes don’t work…. Unless you do something about it. I get this question all the time. “Well, I show myself these quotes, I tell myself these affirmations every single day, why don’t they work!” I usually ask back, “Well, do you...

How Asking Why Will Make You Lie

Did you know that asking why makes one lie? How many times have we found ourselves in a pattern or behavior that we do over and over again that creates an end result that we absolutely loathe or despise, and then we have asked ourselves that question, “Why do I keep...

How Bartering Will Bankrupt Your Business

Have you ever engaged in a “service-for-service” bartering relationship? Well, why do we barter to begin with? We barter because at the time we probably don’t have the cash flow to get the services that we truly want in a person or a business that we have a...

How Success May Not Be What You Think

“What is success?” Have you ever experienced when working with other people, what one person defines as “success” is completely different from how another person defines success? Let’s say you’re running an email marketing campaign. Someone may feel the campaign is a...

How To Learn Things Faster In Your Business

Today I want to help you change the perspective and interpretation of a well-coined phrase to help decrease your learning curve in your business as an entrepreneur. Have you ever used the phrase: “Well, back to the drawing board!”? I still remember when I first...