how to fall in love with your business

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we have some questions for you:

  • Are you still in love with your business?
  • Has the “Honeymoon” phase of your business run it’s course?
  • Do you need help keeping your love and passion going with your business?

The reason why this is such an important topic because, as you know, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to be an entrepreneur. Just like regular relationships there is often a honeymoon stage when we first become an entrepreneur because we have these lofty visions and missions in our minds of what we want to achieve with our business as an entrepreneur – to make an impact, to help as many people as possible.

Like with relationships, once the honeymoon phase ends, there is a chance that if you don’t proactively rejuvenate your business, rejuvenate your love for your business, that you can actually run the business into the ground and fall out of love with being an entrepreneur and your business.

So here are 3 simple things you can do to proactive main and rejuvenate the relationship you have with your business:

1) Energy management. This can be as simple as taking enough breaks during the day. At the very most every 90 minutes you should be taking a 5 to 15-minute break. Ideally, 30 to 60 minutes on focused task and activity then taking a break. If by the end of the day you’re feeling completely wasted and completely out of energy, then your energy management is not being handled properly. You’re not rejuvenating well.

2) Update your mission and your vision statement on a regular basis. Okay, I don’t mean change it on a regular basis but, you know, as you grow your business, your mission and your vision is going to evolve and by going back to once a quarter, or once every half year, or at the very least once a year, it kind of puts a new perspective on how much you have grown, which brings us to number three…

3) Celebrate the wins. Celebrate what is it that you do in your business and I mean everything. Too many times we get so caught up in the trenches as an entrepreneur because we want to push, push, push, push, push, we want to hit our goals and we have to set our intentions, we want to hit them again, that we forget that we’re actually winning progressively to get closer to our goal. And if we don’t stop and smell the roses, then what’s going to happen is you’re just going to grind, grind, grind and completely miss the growth of your baby, much like someone who never takes a video and picture of their baby growing up and thinking back, “Oh, I wish I did that.” Well, you want to do the same thing for yourself as an entrepreneur and as your business.

So this Valentine’s Day, I challenge you to do these three little things which will help you if you do these on a regular basis, will help you fall in love with your business over and over again so you don’t ever fall out of love with your business.

What are you waiting for?