Happy new year!

With every new year, one of the very first task that you should do as an entrepreneur is to set goals

What I’m going to talk about today is one of the most efficient and best ways to set goals. You can even say this will actually increase the probability of you hitting the goal as much as 25 to 50 percent!

Why you don’t want to do “Hope Goal Setting”

Now we all know how to set goals and (if you don’t read up on SMART goals) and you know that the way you structure and write down your goals affect the way you think about you goals.

But here’s the thing: most people set their goals up and say “Okay, here’s my goal” and then they leave it at that. In other words, they write it down on a piece of paper, they put it on a vision board and that’s it. They just trust the universe that somehow they will figure out how to get there.

Here’s a problem with that: unless we give ourselves, our mind, and those that are around us a very clear set of indication points or evidence procedures that shows that we’re getting closer to our goal, we’re going to basically do “hope goal setting” which doesn’t really work.

What I’m about to show you right now is how millionaires and multimillionaires transformed way they do their business just from a change in goal-setting.

The Tipping Point

(This is best explained by watching the video)
Here you have your starting point. This is where you are.

This is important because most people, when they set goals, don’t actually take the time to get clear on where they’re actually starting.

So now you have a starting line and you have a goal, or your finish line.
Next we find the Tipping Point.

If you’ve been traveling over the holidays, maybe you flew somewhere, maybe you drove, either way, how do you know you’ve arrived at your destination?

For some people, getting on that plane headed to LAX may mean “Oh I’m basically home.” For others it may be when the plane lands. It may be when you drive on the freeway and see your exit, or it may be the minute you get in the car, you know you will get there no matter what.

This is the Tipping Point. It’s when you know you will inevitably finish your journey. It’s an indication point that let’s you know you can be on auto-pilot until you reach your goal.

The Tipping Point varies from person to person. What’s important is that you are able to recognize and define where it is FOR YOU.

This is important is because when you’re able to define this tipping point, it gives your mind actually the real goal to shoot for and how to put together a set of circumstances and steps in between your starting line and tipping point to bring you closer to this tipping point.

Metrics of Success

From there you can break it down into metrics of success. Most people like to call these milestones, basically the midpoints you need to get to the goal.

So for every goal you set if you identify what the tipping point is and then you identify the milestones in between from where you are right now to that tipping point what happens is you start to create a higher level of probability and possibility of getting your goals.

So what are you waiting for?