I have a question for you.

When it comes to making money as an entrepreneur does it feel like you go to grind every single day like a jack-in-the-box and then you get to the point of a big payday and then you find yourself going back into the grind and starting all over again?
The inspiration for this video came from choosing what to bring to a toy drive. I picked this one up and got and thought to myself “I bet that a lot of us has turned our business into this grind” because I’ve been there too!

In today’s video what we’re going to do is talk about how to break away from that grind.

Think about it. What will that grind look like in the long run?

One month to the next you find yourself starting over every single month looking for leads, looking for business, doing marketing, and then you grind grind grind, hit your goals and then hit your goals and then you celebrate for a little bit but then you find yourself having to back to grinding away again.

So how do we break away from that?

Because that is what we call a pattern of insanity and as an entrepreneur you know we didn’t come into business to create a job for ourselves just grind away over and over again just to make money.

So you know here’s the thing: we’re not really taught on how to break this kind of pattern.

If you came from a nine-to-five job, if you came from an employee mindset and there’s nothing wrong with grinding.

We’ve been trained to be consistent, to do the same thing over and over again so that we can actually consistently get results.

However, as an entrepreneur if we’re creating and growing we need to find ways to scale.
We need to find ways to break out of this mold.

One of the ways that we can break this:

If you notice that you have a pattern of grinding, pay attention to the timing.
In the case of the jack-in-the-box, think of the “Pop Goes The Weasel” music.
You KNOW after a while where the “pop” is going to come. You KNOW what is going to happen.

We think that we’re the only ones that know how to do this in our business but if you notice after you do this a few times it’s pretty systematic and what that means for you is freedom. Why?
Because if it’s systematic it’s consistent and you’re getting consistent results like the jack-in-the-box. That means you can essentially create a systematic approach get it off your plate and train someone to do it or have a technology perform the functions that you’ve gotten used to doing.

When you have a system and you teach someone or leverage technology to do it then you can actually break away from this spot and actually create a different type of lifestyle a different type of business a different way or an expanded way of generating income.

Have a great holiday season hope you had some great gifts and gratitude and appreciation!