Welcome to another Happy Snack at Noon, the 6 Figure Academy’s weekly live “snacks” where we talk about money flow, mindset optimization, or more importantly, life mastery around happiness.

Learn more about money and happiness here: https://go.the6figureacademy.com

In today’s Happy Snacks, we’re going to be looking at how to become rich with no money. Now many of us might have heard of the idea that “it takes money to make money,” but I want you to realize that money is simply an accelerant and makes things go faster. Many people are finding themselves lacking in money, but still have a desire to be rich. So let’s get started.

Define What Richness Means To You

In our previous Happy Snacks at Noon, you probably remember that one of the most important steps you can take is to define what being rich means to you. If you don’t define this, then you’ll have trouble becoming rich. The meaning of rich will be different for everyone, so once you have a clear definition, it’ll be easier to be rich.

What I talked about earlier is that money is an accelerant and makes things easier. You don’t need it for survival. How do we know this is true? Perfect examples are these small businesses that started from nothing and through hustle, blood, sweat, and tears, they built their business from the ground up. Think about the beginning of Silicon Valley: everyone started off in a garage because they didn’t have money for an office, but then they became rich per se, by their standards with no money to start with. So we know that it’s possible.

Try to define richness not in terms of money, but in other ways, such as being rich in options or possibilities. If you have no opportunities and all the money in the world, does that really make you rich? I would venture to say that most people who are happily rich define rich to be more than just money. They might also add things like quality of life, family, friends, and love. So today I challenge you to re-examine and redefine what richness means to you.

Realize That Money Is Flowing All Around You

Next, let’s think about money as a form of energy flow. If you look at cryptocurrency, there’s no physical form of the money, yet it’s helping people increase their financial wealth. How is that possible? It’s because it’s in the form of energy, with digital numbers getting translated into electrical impulses that then get sent all over the place. This translates into dollars and cents, which can be used electronically to purchase things and pay your bills.

Physics talks about how energy is neither destroyed or created, but simply transmuted, which means that if money is a form of energy, then it’s pretty much infinite. Money is all around you and it’s human beings that are keeping money away because they’re forcing the energy to show up in a certain way.

So to distill this down, you need to recognize that money is already all around you in the form of opportunities. Does it require money for you to go online and start a virtual business? No, it doesn’t. Sometimes you just need to be ready for the doors to opportunities rather than believing in phrases such as “it takes money to make money.” That’s the only way that can happen: release the shackles and those limiting beliefs. So the simplest answer to how to become rich with no money is to let money in and recognize that money, like air, is all around us.

Make Money Work For You By Applying Yourself

When we let go of perceptions on the “right” way to make money, then we increase our opportunity to become rich. Talk to any person who is wealthy, but happy, and you’ll find out that they allow money to just flow into their life without letting it pass them by. In other words, they apply themselves. Take action, set an intention, let go of negative beliefs, and recognize that you have everything you need to become rich within yourself. No money is required!

When I was younger, I remember I couldn’t afford much, but I got some basic clothing and went out to interview for different jobs. I just showed up and eventually I found a good job by hustling and applying myself, which in turn gave me the opportunity to leverage that into new paths to increase money flow into my life. If you’re feeling stuck, just remember that you just need to tap into the resources within and use that to open up the pathways to allow money to come in. Many people think they need to start with the right job, the right business strategy, but this is actually like putting the cart before the horse. If you truly want to become rich with no money, then focus on the ecosystem of self thought within yourself.

At the end of the day, it’s not money that helps you become rich, but it’s about your conviction, your definitions, and what you are willing to do to let go of the old paradigms of beliefs and limitations. You’re not making money; you’re allowing the money to flow in your direction versus someone else’s direction.

Watch the full video below:

I know there are a lot of concepts and ideas to take in, so take time to sit with this. Once you get this, you’ll be able to separate yourself from the herd and elevate your richness, success, happiness, and financial flow. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Please continue to give us feedback as it’s very helpful. We hope you enjoyed today’s Happy Snacks at Noon and we’ll see you next Wednesday for another one!