Welcome to another Happy Snack at Noon, the 6 Figure Academy’s weekly live “snacks” where we talk about money flow, mindset optimization, or more importantly, life mastery around happiness.

Learn more about money and happiness here: https://go.the6figureacademy.com

In today’s Happy Snacks, we’re going to be looking at how to be rich. At some point in their lives, an individual has probably asked themselves, “How do I become rich?” It may seem quite complicated, but it actually starts with another question: how do I define what rich means?

Does anyone remember a cartoon called Richie Rich? It was about this kid that had a lot of money thanks to family’s riches. He used the money for traveling around the world and having a good old time, but he also liked to help people solve their problems, which is actually a really great message.

Our society has evolved to think of “rich” as something that has to do with money, but when we look up the actual definition, it says:

1. having a great deal of money or assets wealthy.

2. Plentiful, abundant.

I want to focus on the second definition. Soil is rich with resources and nutrients. Or someone says, “It’s a rich environment.” The word “rich” in this sense doesn’t mean it’s an opulent environment full of money, but rich in an abundance of things. When we think about how to be rich, we’re talking about how to increase abundance. It’s all about prosperity flow, happiness, what you desire in the world, which is a lot more than just money. So depending on how you define “richness” will directly affect how to become rich in your own way. If you find that you’re having a hard time, it’s probably because your definition is very nebulous.

So first, define what being rich means to you and imagine what that kind of life would look like. When you start to take the time and invest in your rich life, you increase your probability of achieving that richness, and it becomes quite simple. Remember, you need to define the strategies to become rich. A lot of people will blindly follow along with other people’s strategies, which often doesn’t work because it’s another person’s idea of how to get rich. They’ll end up feeling lost and burnt out. Richness can be defined in such a wide variety of ways, depending on different factors (living location, for example), that you have to make sure you’re really clear on your definition.

For example, I promised myself that every time I moved, I would move closer to the ocean. Right now I live by the ocean, but then I had to move again. What did I do to stay true to my commitment? I simply moved along the coast. I love having access to the ocean and so my commitment to living a rich life will include being by the ocean. Making sure that I stay in alignment with what I define as richness for me is something that everyone should aspire to.

Watch the full video below:


So that’s it for our Happy Snacks at Noon this week. If you have questions about defining richness or feeling stuck, we’d love to hear from you! We also love feedback, so if it’s a thumbs up or thumbs down, we still want to know. Now I have to go unpack so I’m ready for next week’s Happy Snacks at Noon! See you Wednesday at 12:00 PM!