How To Set New Year's Resolutions That Work

Have you ever noticed that for some people, New Year’s Resolutions have become a running joke: You set your New Year’s Resolutions with an expectation that it won’t even make it through the first few months.

I recently had  a conversation with somebody who said, “Oh, I don’t believe in resolutions.” Okay, it’s semantics. Maybe we can change the name for them. Maybe just call it goals. And that’s really what it is. New Year’s Resolutions are just GOALS that you have for the year. Here’s the problem, most of us set these goals to be so nebulous that we don’t even know if we’ve achieved it.

So the strategy today for your 6 Figure Success, is to set a New Year’s Resolution with the end in mind. Remember those foot races we had when we were younger? We always started a race by identifying where the finish line was, so we all knew exactly where we’re heading.

So why would we do anything different when we’re setting these goals, these “New Year’s Resolutions” we have for the year?

The problem is, so many of us simply set these goals without even identifying WHEN we want those goals to be achieved. For example, have you ever set a goal that says, “I want to lose weight this year” “I want to make more money this year” “I want to get a great relationship this year” And that’s about it?

More importantly, you don’t even write it down. So about 2 months in, you don’t even remember what the exact goal was anymore. At that point, your unconscious mind says, “You’re not even serious, so I’m not even going to bother helping you get there.”

Therein lies the secret. Your conscious mind is the GOAL-SETTER. Your unconscious mind, the one that runs all the programming and your behaviours, is the GOAL-GETTER: the one responsible for helping you GET your goal.

So here’s the tip.

Start with the end in mind.

Pick a specific date. If you need to, Google “SMART goals,” and follow that format:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

The goal is to have your resolutions be so clear that a complete stranger can look at what you’ve written down, look at where you are in life and tell you whether or not you have achieved you goal. Try that on.

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