Welcome to another Happy Snack at Noon, the 6 Figure Academy’s weekly live “snacks” where we talk about money flow, mindset optimization, or more importantly, life mastery around happiness.

Learn more about money and happiness here: https://go.the6figureacademy.com

In today’s Happy Snacks at Noon, we’re going to be talking about a very interesting topic. It’s always been a common perception that the only way to create success or have a career is to work for somebody else, but the past year and a half has forced a lot of us to rethink that. The idea of having your own business is not an old one, but many people say that they lack the gumption and opportunity to get their own business started and they think that they aren’t good at anything.

When I hear this, I think about the value that every individual human being has. There’s just so much potential that lives within every person and I get excited just thinking about all the potential businesses that could be created. You need to realize there are literally companies for everything! For example, there’s a business called Pet Butler where you pick up dog poop and that’s considered a service to be paid for. The point I’m trying to make is that if you want to start a business but don’t think you’re good at anything, then let me be the first to say there’s absolutely something that you’re good at.

Just look at the world that YouTube has created. A lot of these content creators are just sharing aspects of their daily lives and finding others who are going through similar things or find their content interesting. That’s what’s so beautiful about our world: it affords us all these endless opportunities to monetize content. You can buy stuff on Amazon and create affiliate links and get the money that way. Basically, the idea of a “tradition” business (storefront, cash register, etc.) is not the only way to have a business. Technology and social media afforded us the ability to monetize anything.

How do we get started in creating a business that works?

First off, think about what you do every single day. How many times have you looked up a review for a particular product that you ended up buying or not buying as a result of that review? What if you can take everything that you purchased in the past year and do a video review or write a blog post about it?

How soon can I see profits or revenue from my business?

This is where you want to observe and notice if you’re telling yourself, “I have no idea how to make money off of this.” If you keep telling yourself you’re not good at this business thing, then you’re going to run into challenges. We live in a passion economy or passion-driven economy. Basically, people are finding that they’re unclear about what their passion is or they’ve turned their passion into something that they don’t like anymore.

This is what I challenge you to do: After thinking about what you do every day, make a list of the things you do for hobbies and/or are passionate about. If you like to watch Netflix or play video games, you can 100% turn that into a business. Maybe you can become a full-time streamer. It’s all about creating a path to monetization and having a monetization framework. Look over your list and brainstorm ways you can monetize these actions. Can you create a blog? Can you host live review sessions where you invite others to talk with you?

There are so many possibilities and as I mentioned before, technology has afforded us many business opportunities. I believe when you tell yourself, “I’m not good at anything,” that’s just an excuse to keep yourself down. So today’s Happy Snacks is that you can start a business if you truly want to. It’s about the strategy or learning how to monetize; it’s about what lies deep within and your mindset that you’re capable.

If you can find something that you’re good at, then you can actually make a business out of.

I can’t guarantee that you will get your business started but why not try? There are literally hundreds of new businesses being started every day.

Watch the full video below:

That concludes this week’s Happy Snacks at Noon! Please comment below with your thoughts and let us know what you think you’re good at and any business ideas you have. It’s great to get the conversation started and we’re here to help. We’ll see you next week for another Happy Snacks at Noon!