How to Take Action That Keeps You Moving Forward

Are you comfortable jumping into something new, and then learn as you go? Or do you want to wait until ALL your ducks are lined up in nice and neat row before you even take action?

As entrepreneurs, being able to take “imperfect action” is just as, or even more important than making necessary preparations.

What actually inspired us to do this video is our own “imperfect” action this past week, and those of you who have experienced any of our “tech glitches”, we offer our sincere apologies.

Now, if we had said “Ok, this time we need to put more time into preparing, take more time to edit, wait until someone reviews this, etc.” Guess what?  This amazing value-packed video wouldn’t be posted right now, it would’ve taken another week to prepare!

More often than not, to ensure you continue moving forward in your business, you need to take IMPERFECT ACTION, because even if you fall flat on your face, you fell forward.  Much like learning HOW TO WALK, you want to be able to take action, stumble and fall as necessary, and be okay with that.

Have you ever taken a martial art like Judo?  One of the first things you learn in Judo is HOW TO FALL. Why is that?  Because it’s GOING TO HAPPEN sooner or later…so you might as well know how to get up. More on that in a future post… 😉

Think about all the things you have, sitting in your sandbox that you have yet to take action on. What is one imperfect action you can take on each item? Write down all the things that could go wrong and all the things that could go right. Then tear that piece of paper up, and take action.

What are you waiting for?