Today I’m going to talk about how a specific mindset that you have is choking the growth of your business as an entrepreneur.

What is that mindset?

I like to call it the poison of maybe.

Why call it the poison of maybe? Because we’ve heard the power of yes, the power of saying no, and so today we’re going to talk about the poison of being a maybe person.

See, the other day, I was watching my dog walk on this wall. There’s this place outside where we live, where there’s this wall that she climbs onto and just kind of walks. It’s fairly narrow, so she has to focus to stay on that wall. She could choose to walk on either side, but she loves being on the wall. But in order for her to stay on that wall, she needs to focus really hard to make sure that she stays balanced on that wall because otherwise she’ll fall off. Eventually, what happened, something in the bushes distracts her like a squirrel or a golfer or another dog or a person walking on this side and then she gets distracted, takes her focus off the wall, and then eventually falls off the wall, usually on the side that she didn’t expect to fall onto.

So, how does that walking on the wall of maybe affect us as entrepreneur? For one thing, being a maybe person tends to attract maybe people in our lives, and as a business owner and entrepreneur, you don’t want to attract maybe people in your lives especially when it comes to clients.

So, the poison of maybe is that it requires all your energy and focus to stay in that state which then keeps you from making appropriate decision that you do want to make that will help your business grow, and when you eventually fall off the wall of maybe, then you might fall off on a side that you did not want to begin with and you were just too scared to make a decision to go the other direction.

So, my challenge to you today for the sake of you, your life, and more importantly your business is to stop being a maybe person. When it comes to making decisions, avoid using the word “maybe”. In fact, if you can eliminate that word altogether from your vocabulary as an entrepreneur, that would probably serve you best. Start being either a yes or a no and stop being a maybe. Believe me, your life and your business will thank me for making that resolute decision to start being a yes or a no person and no longer a maybe, because the maybe will poison and choke the life out of and growth opportunities in your business.