
In this video we’re going to talk about what happens when money anxiety rears its ugly head.

Now, why is this an important topic?

Well here’s the thing when we allow money anxiety to continue to percolate in our lives it starts to affect things like our sales, our money flow, and our prosperity gets choked up because we’re too worried about money or stressing about money.

What is actually happening is we are putting attention to the lack of money and that actually takes the energy away from doing what we’re supposed to do as entrepreneurs, which is to grow our business to make an impact and to help people.

So what is that what does that look like?

Well if you find yourself making decisions day-to-day based on whether or not you have the money to do it as opposed to thinking about how you can bring in the money to get what you want, that’s a form of money anxiety.

If you find yourself lying awake late at night and just thinking about money or aspects of money such as bills and stressing and you’re lying awake at night in a cold sweat or really not a happy place, that is a form of money anxiety.

Maybe you are worried about your significant other, or maybe you’re worried about your spouse and
about their money, like how they’re spending their money and it really has nothing to do with you. Yes, I can see how you feel it impacts you but really at the end of the day, it’s their deal with money and shouldn’t be stressing you out.

When money anxiety is rearing its ugly head and standing in the way of you and where you want to go take your business, that’s what we need to do something about it.

So what do we do about that?

Well here’s the thing: money anxiety is just like as a tool, just like anything else in our business

Would you ever say that I am never going to use a computer?
No, you’re going to use a computer because it’s a tool for your business.
Will you refuse to use your phone or reduce your phone for your business?
No, it’s almost a lifeline, a tool you are grateful to have in your life.

However, people WILL make decisions to not use money or reduce the use of money.

Basically what we need to do is to start having money be like the phones, computers, office space, etc. All the things we have in our lives that we KNOW are designed to help us succeed in our business.

Once we can treat money like a tool or an app, that’s when all of a sudden things start to shift and change. We start to have a better relationship with money and the first steps of that is understanding how we learned our behaviour about money, whether it’s how we use or how we decide not to use money in certain situations.

Everything that we have as it pertains to money is a learned behavior and because money is just a tool
we’ve learned to use money as a scapegoat for a deeper issue or a deeper emotional challenge that keeps us from where we are and money is an easy scapegoat.

But once you can start asking yourself how you know to think behave or feel a certain way about this money circumstance, you are on your first step towards truly prosperous success.