Welcome to another Happy Snack at Noon, the 6 Figure Academy’s weekly live “snacks” where we talk about money flow, mindset optimization, or more importantly, life mastery around happiness.

This week we’re going to be talking about a particular money story that most of us have bought into growing up: money can’t buy happiness.

Now we understand that money is a big part of everyone’s lives. Most of us get up every morning, thinking about how we’re going to work to make money to pay our bills, buy food, and just survive life in general. Hopefully you’ll eventually get to a point where you’re not just surviving, but rather, you’re thriving. However, if there’s this belief that money can’t buy happiness, then no matter how much money you make, there will be no happiness to be found.

There’s often an association with lack of happiness and lack of money, which can create many problems for us. We all learned this idea, also called a money story, from somewhere, and it will continue to affect us in a negative way unless we do something about it.

So one thing I want to do for today’s Happy Snack is to challenge you to think: what if money CAN buy happiness. What would that look like?

An important part to this question is to also define what happiness means to you. When working with our students and clients, our team likes to rephrase things and suggest the phrase money can buy the ingredients to help you create the happiness that you’re looking for in life. So what kind of ingredients do you need for your own personal happiness?

“Are you happy? What does happiness mean to you?”

“I don’t know.”

If you don’t know what happiness actually is in your life or how you uniquely define happiness in your world, it’s not just money that can’t buy happiness; nothing is going to bring you happiness. Obviously there is no happiness store where you can go in and buy happiness off the shelf, but for most of us, there are ingredients and components that we can use money to buy, which will then facilitate a way to creating more happiness in our lives.

To sum up, yes, in a way money can buy happiness. You just have to understand how to use money as a tool to help facilitate more happiness in your life. Money can’t buy happiness itself, especially happiness that you have yet to define.

So first, take the time to define what happiness is to you. Second, see what money can do to buy the components you need to help create the happiness that you defined. The key thing here is the more time you take to get a clear picture of what happiness is to you, the easier it’s going to be for you to use money to get (or “buy”) that happiness.

We hope you found this Happy Snack helpful regarding the idea that money can’t buy happiness. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. We’ll see you next week for another Happy Snacks at Noon!

Learn more about money and happiness here: https://go.the6figureacademy.com