In this blog post, we are going to be talking about how to shift to a growth mindset with a strategy hack that focuses on intention and direction.  Personally, I’m not a big fan of hacks, especially when it comes to personal development, growth, and especially your money; however, in a pinch, hacks can work to interrupt problematic patterns. So today I want to discuss how to jumpstart your growth mindset.

First and foremost, let’s talk about why you want to have a growth mindset. Think about what that means. Having a growth mindset means you want to grow. If you are an entrepreneur, and have a life, but you are not growing, then what are you doing? You’re going in the opposite direction. Either your business is dying, your money flow is dying, or you’re dying.

So when it comes to a growth mindset, it’s such an important thing to have, otherwise you’re going to believe that you can’t grow, which is a problem. You’re reading this blog post because you want to improve that growth mindset, or more importantly, regain that lost growth mindset via a quick hack.

First things first don’t do it just because it’s the “in” thing to do.

It’s what’s trending, right? Hey, I’m thinking about having a growth mindset. Yeah, that’s the trending topic on Google right now and everybody’s doing it. Cool, man. Maybe I’ll do it too. How’s your growth mindset thing going, huh? Yeah, I’m over it. I’m thinking about having a shrink mindset now. What’s that? I don’t know, but I think it’s trending too.

Just kidding. It’s not trending now. Here’s the cool thing about starting off with this hack: everybody, including you, has a unique reason for having a growth mindset. Eventually you’ll find that it becomes more than just a hack and you’ll easily be able to convert it to a non-hack, which means that it’s more permanent and more sustainable.

Now, we’ll look at a very commonly used way to maintain a growth mindset. Most people think that when it comes to having a growth mindset and setting intentions, they need to set goals. Common thinking is that setting goals is how you grow. But there’s a problem with that.

For example, people will set New Year’s resolutions or goals for the week, day, month, etc., and then get disappointed when they don’t hit these goals. If we are correlating setting goals with growth and then not hitting these goals, what does that tell us on a deep, unconscious level? And what do you think that will do to your growth mindset? The challenge is not so much about relating setting goals to growth, but rather how you set your goals and how you position yourself to succeed. So here’s a little bit about the hack that I had mentioned before. Once you set the goal, you are essentially putting directions into your GPS. You tell yourself, “Okay, this is where I want to go,” but you also have to get in your car, put gas into your car, and drive in a particular direction. You need to fuel your vehicle of self to achieve your goal setting. In our old way of thinking, we thought that if we hit our goals, then we stop growing, which in turn causes us to struggle with having a growth mindset. Instead, what you want to do is to feel the momentum building and then fuel it with intention and direction. This metaphor of using a vehicle or a car to get to your destination (your goal) is triggered by your wants.

Now let’s talk about what roles intention and direction actually play. When you set as an intention, you are fueling your vehicle. To help you get to your goal is where you want your growth mindset to take you. Direction is where you want to steer.

Let me explain this all for a bit. So intention is the fuel and direction is where you actually want to be. If you go back to that GPS example, when you set a goal, it gives you a point somewhere on the map. But if you are facing the opposite direction and start driving, then you’re going away from the goal. This is why direction is such an important piece: you need to get crystal clear on not only why you want to get to your goal, but also what that goal will actually do for you. That is what will give you direction after you fuel your vehicle to get to your goal: by having intention and direction, you are going to gain that growth mindset. Then when you have that intention and direction in place, setting goals becomes a little bit more sustainable, which will also increase your probability of success.

So let’s summarize everything we’ve covered. First what you want to do is set your goal. You want to identify the purpose behind that goal, which is your intention. Then identify the direction and what direction that intention will drive you to. When you have the intention and direction in place, you’ll be setting goals for that growth mindset. Whether you want to create growth in your life, to get growth in your business, to get growth in your relationships, or growth in your health, you will be able to maintain a healthy growth mindset to consistently grow and take you in the direction that you want to go.

Watch the video here:

And if you have any questions or requests for future topics, put that in the comments below. If you want to eliminate stress, worry and anxiety around money by re-engineering the bad money stories we grew up with so that you can increase your money flow, optimize your mindset, and create life mastery, then check out the 6 Figure Academy.

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