Primoz is an online business coach for top performers. He helps experts, coaches and online business owners share their expertise through 10-25,000 word Ultimate Guides. This helps them build an online following of thousands of raving fans and get an endless stream of new clients for their business.


Primoz Bozic’s Money Story:

My money story is about aggressively investing in myself. When I was a 20-year-old programmer studying computer science and earning $7/h, I spent my whole monthly salary ($1,000) on joining an online course about freelancing (Earn1k by Ramit Sethi). That was the single best financial decision of my life as I’ve made $40k within the first year of starting my coaching business.

I continued to aggressively invest in myself ever since – from flying to $5k conferences and couch-surfing in NYC, to joining a $25k per person mastermind when my business hit just over 6 figures. ”

* I started out as a computer science student earning $7/h in Slovenia
* At that point, I was a socially awkward, shy, introverted kid with few friends who felt like he has nothing to bring to the world
* I quit my job and dropped out of college to start and grow a productivity coaching business for poker players
* I transitioned into helping online entrepreneurs and executives become more productive and built a course-based online business
* I worked with Ramit Sethi from Growthlab for 2 years as a lead coach and product manager for Accelerator, a 7-figure/year online coaching program
* I am now working on my own business full time where I’m an online business coach for top performers, and run a group coaching program called “”The Top Performer Club””
* I also created an online course called Ultimate Guide System in which I teach experts, coaches, freelancers and consultants how to grow their following and client base with Ultimate Guides. This online course generated $110,095 within 10 months
* Plus, I’m a 3-time gold medalist in powerlifting, which he focused on in my free time (I went from a skinny-fat entrepreneur to squatting 500 lbs)

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