Today’s episode is probably something many people have felt or been taught in their own lives. “You Don’t Deserve Money”. Today we’re talking with Violet Takacs, co-owner and manager of a high tech chiropractic office specializing in Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression and correct spinal problems.

Violet Takacs’s Money Story

My Money Story: I don’t deserve money. I don’t deserve to prosper. I don’t fit into this society, therefore, I have to work very hard, hoping that my boss likes me so I can earn a paycheck that will allow me to live from paycheck to paycheck.

As a little girl I watched my parents work 2-3 shifts at a time in a very labor intense factory, to provide some kind of food on the table. I remember, my mom sometimes had to borrow money from her friends so we can get through the month. Then she had to knit, crochet and sew on the side, when she had some time to make the money back to pay off the debt.

By the time I was 18, I’ve learned that I could never have a better lifestyle and that I was going to follow in parents’ and grandparents’ footsteps. These limitations stopped me from seeing and pursuing the bigger dreams that now I see and know I can a reach.

There is hope and there is a solution. If you want to flourish, have abundance in any area of your life, you need to have faith and believe in yourself. Use people around you, use the tools that they provide you with so you can find the path to better yourself. It all starts within you….If you are not open to growing, jumping through hurdles, getting out of the comfort zone, the Money story that you made up will always be with you. Look at me, I brought my Money Story from Romania to here…and it took me about 15 years in this new country to recognize my Money Story.

So once you are able to recognize that the Money Story is just a story and nothing more, you can alter your belief about it. You can create a new reality or new money story.
Bettering yourself in all areas of your life will give you peace and assurance that everything will work out.

Since I started growing my team, what I’ve learned is: that helping others first also helps me grow. To me it is very important to give to others or help others first in any way I can because this makes me think of others versus always thinking of myself. When I give, I receive. When I receive, I’m fulfilled and I believe and trust that money will come.

Watch our interview here:

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