Are you really an entrepreneur, or are you actually a WANNA-preneur?
What is a wanna-preneur? A wanna-preneur is somebody maybe like me that had a problem with authority and decided the only way to get out of that was to become an entrepreneur… without realizing that an entrepreneur isn’t about creating another job for yourself.
To become a successful entrepreneur, it isn’t about working harder, it’s all about working smarter. See, ask yourself this: “Do you have a plan as an entrepreneur that eventually will take you to a point that the more successful you are, the more time you actually have.”
Take a look at your business. Do you have in your strategy, an end result in three different areas of how you live your life.
- Active Work: An entrepreneur with a successful business basically spends the majority of his or her time actively doing things or working on what we call “passion work”, things that you absolutely love. When you reach the pinnacle of your entrepreneurial career, every action that you do every single day actively is only something that you want to do. So there’s active action.
- Passive Revenue: Is your business helping you create passive action – passive action revenue. In other words, what people like to call “passive revenue”, right? There are areas of life in your portfolio of revenue that you may or may not have the desire to do. For example, there are people who realize that there is great value in investing in real estate for passive income. If you love real estate, great, that could actually be part of your active revenue. However, if you really don’t like real estate, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have that as part of your portfolio. It just becomes a passive part. You can take the money that you generate from your business to pay someone to help handle that area.
- Delegation: The third section that you want to look at is about delegation. Do you have automation? Do you have systems? Do you delegate? The more successful your entrepreneurial business becomes, the more you should be automating, systematizing, and delegating.
When you get those three things down, that promotes the active lifestyle that you want of doing passion work, the passive lifestyle of trading generating income from areas that you really don’t have a passion for, so that you have all the time in the world to create the greater purpose and your purpose of why you are here.
So, what are you waiting for?