Why Leading Title

What inspired this video was this: I was at a recent networking event, having a conversation. As usual, I’m networking with people, and we’re asked each other what we do. So this gentleman was asking me what it is that I do. And I gave my standard pitch: “I work with entrepreneurs around money anxiety, so that they can make more sales and grow their business and repair their relationship with money”. And he looked at me, paused for a moment, said, “That sounds really interesting, and sounds like something that I need.” I said, “Great.” Then he goes, “What– How much do you charge?”

I paused for a moment, and I was thinking to myself – giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he just wanted to cut right to the chase, ’cause he’s worked with a lot of different coaches before – and maybe he’s looking for another one, specifically to work on this area of his business. So I looked at him and said, “Oh, are you currently working with another coach?” He goes, “Well, I’ve never worked with a coach before.”

I said, “Interesting. Do you do personal development work? Do you read books? Do you go to seminars and workshops?” And he says, “No, I’ve never done any of that.” I said, “Well how do you know then that this is something that would work for you, or something that you want or need?” He says, “Well, based on what you said to me, it sounds like a result that I want, so how much do you charge?” At that point I realized that his question wasn’t because he wanted to cut to the chase, it was more so about him leading with his money anxiety, without realizing that he was.

One of the biggest challenges is this – is that we’ve been raised in this society, always do the price check wherever we go. Now this works totally fine when we’re out grocery shopping or out looking for things that we buy on a regular basis, to make sure we get the best bang for the buck. However, the problem arises when we apply the same principles to something that we know is potentially capable of changing our lives, especially if it’s something that we’ve never done before. Something that is not a common everyday thing.

Ask yourself this. Is there something that you’ve ever done, where you’ve chose and gone to a workshop, a seminar, buy a book, work with a coach even – and because this is something new and something you’ve never experienced before – despite that, you first ask, “How much do you charge?” Thinking it’s another expense, rather than an investment on yourself. When you find yourself doing that, know that that is a symptom, a big symptom of money anxiety. Because then you are giving your power to money to establish the value of the result that you are looking to achieve.

If you’re hiring a coach to change your life, and you lead with how much it will cost, then you’re letting money dictate how valuable that end result of working with that individual’s going to be. Now obviously if the person says, “A million,” and you’re not making a million a year, then that’s something to consider.

But even before considering that, maybe take a look to see if you’re even a good fit. If this product or service is even the right product or service for you first. If the value of the end result, or what you get from that product or service is something that is of value to your life, that’s when you start to consider, “Is this something that I can do right now?” By simply looking for the value of the product or service – a value of the result before you ask about the cost, will immediately shift in your mind, a different perspective on prioritizing you over money. And that in itself is how we start to shift the paradigm between eliminating money anxiety from our life.

If you’d like to learn more about how to eliminate money anxiety – go from money anxiety free to 6 Figure Mastery, I do have an e-book that I welcome you to read. You can actually get it for free at “go.the6figureacademy.com”. And for more tips and strategies, make sure you follow us on our website. Get on our newsletter. Also you can follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. We’re actually all over the social media channels.

Watch the video here: