We had the chance to get Holden Zalma from Metatouch.com on the show with us for this episode! Holden founded MetaTouch Therapeutic Massage and Wellness Center in 1994. Holden began his career as an assistant athletic trainer at the University of Southern California (U.S.C.), where he worked with the football, basketball, volleyball, and swimming teams. After completing a BA degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Physical Therapy from USC, Holden opened MetaTouch.

Holden is considered a leader in his field and personally trains all MetaTouch therapists in the fascia shift method that he created.
Holden focuses on finding the core of a person’s problem or pain. He discovered by looking at the client as a whole opposed to a bunch of individual parts he was able to relieve the superficial pain and the core issues. This allows lasting relief and increased quality of life.

When Holden entered into the profession, he knew that there was a lot more than is usually portrayed behind massage therapy. He grew to understand that therapeutic massage is a unique form of healing that can treat the problems as opposed to just the symptoms, making it so people can feel better not only on the massage table, but long afterwards. Holden has frequently been called a “magician and a healer”, his ability to quickly recognize and correct most issues where others have failed, has led to clients coming from all over the world to seek his healing ability.

Holden’s commitment is to provide the most convenient, effective, and professional massage therapy services to individuals and corporations as possible.

Holden Zalma’s Money Story:

“When I started the business I had nothing but a massage chair and $30. I was able to build a business with over 30 employees grossing almost $500k/year all before I was 25. I watched the business tank, go almost back to 0 then back up again multiple times. Then go through a divorce, lose everything, all causing me to continually reinvent myself and the business. During the latest rendition, I became a sole practitioner again but with employees. I got so busy that I couldn’t work on the business or promote my employees, because I was too busy seeing patients. The second I leave, all income disappears. It took a while to fight out of that along with it the money fears that went with it. Fear of not having enough, fear of giving up control or being angry at myself for not being in a better space at this point in my life. But now the tides are turning. Instead of discounting our services in an attempt to compete with the rest of the industry. We are now one of the most expensive around offering a service that the customer can’t get anywhere else with a level of care second to none. The best part is my main roll…delegation and advisement. Instead of seeing all the patients myself, I assist in the assessment, advize my therapists on the best course of action and help close the final sale. The clients I do see, are at such a high premium, I will be able to cut my workload in 1/2. This new program is all in process and has just come about. I’m not sure how much will be in practice by the time of the podcast but hope to have the basics in place.”

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