I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase “Spring Cleaning”.
Spring is the time of year for new beginnings, growth and re-birth, and that makes it the perfect time of the year to engage in some Spring Cleaning because from an energetic point of view, it allows things to come forth and grow and burst into fruition.
So what I want to talk about today is some of the basic things to do to make sure that you’re doing some good spring cleaning, not just at home but on your four bodies of prosperity:
- energetic
- mental
- emotional
- physical
Energetic: One of the basic things you can do to energetically is clean your environment. That means look around your house, look around your office, look in your closet for things that you own that you have not touched in more than six months or a year or even longer. Now I’m not talking about keepsake or heirlooms but more so like old clothes, old shoes, things that you say “oh I might wear or use this one day” and for the last five years you’ve never have. Energetically, there is a leak there when you’re keeping those things around so that’s really important that you declutter your house, declutter your environment, and declutter the things that you own.
Mental: How does one declutter the mind? One of the easiest things to do is stop multi-tasking. We’ve talked about how to set small tasks every single day. And if you start doing that in the springtime that will help your mental body clear out all the clutter.
Another way to declutter your mind is to introduce more meditation into your life to calm the brain frequencies so your mental capacity can open up and really grow and create things.
Emotional: Emotionally, one really easy thing to do is go through a series of forgiveness meditations, doing some forgiveness work. And also, let go of all baggage with whatever technique that you have to release old emotional baggage. Spring cleaning is a perfect time and a perfect motivator to make sure your emotional body is clear.
Physical: Physical is easy. Doing some cleanses, cleaning up your diet, making a commitment to eliminate two to three things that you know you shouldn’t be eating out of your system. Your body knows how to clean itself, so help your body by making a commitment.
Another great way to do some spring cleaning is to increase your physical activity so you’re actually sweating. Did you know that our skin is one of the largest organ in our body that is responsible for excretion of toxic matter? So start to incorporate a new program to sweat more.
So those are some of the things you can do to clean your 4 bodies. See, the reason why we want to be especially aware of cleaning in the springtime is: it sets the tone for the rest of the seasons of the year, and the year becomes prosperous. And it all starts from the cleaning out of all the stuff of the four bodies.
So, what are you waiting for?