Succeed No Matter title

Today I want to talk to you about how to make sure you succeed on that new product, new service, or even that new business no matter what. And you know what that secret is? Failure.

See, here’s the thing. Lack of failure in an entrepreneur’s life will help keep that entrepreneur small and stuck. Failure is truly the goldmine for growth opportunities in our business. See, without failure, you are simply just living off of successes. If you count on starting perfectly every single time, then quite frankly you are playing it too safe.

As an entrepreneur with a goal or a purpose to make an impact on the people you serve in your business, you can’t afford to play smart, you can’t afford to play safe. Otherwise, you’re better off going just to get a job for a company that’s already established and doing its thing. See, failure gives you that feedback to know what to do next to make yourself better.

So, here’s the strategy: Taking imperfect action.

We went over this before and you may have heard this from other coaches, from other gurus, and other entrepreneur experts, but really take it to heart this time. I hope that you can take this in and be willing to take imperfect action.

The more imperfection action that you take at a new product, a new service, a new business, the higher chance you have to succeed. Because every single time you trip and stumble taking that imperfection action, you learn. You learn how to make that part of the service perfect.

Never expect that what you have in your mind is going to come out perfect every single time. In fact, if it comes out perfect, you run the danger of being misled that your business does not need to grow anymore.

So, what are you waiting for? Start taking that imperfection action. Take that one thing that you’ve been waiting and hesitating on because you’re trying to make it perfect and just move forward.